Wednesday 2 December 2015

Classroom Management


Based on what i have studied, classroom management is ways of organizing the resources, pupils and helpers so that the teaching and the learning can process in an efficient and safe manner. It creates both the best situation in which the students can learn and the teacher can teach.


Physically arrange the classroom in a way that minimizes distractions and facilitates teacher-student interaction. Teachers are responsible to create a climate in which students feel they belong are intrinsically motivated to learn. Besides, teachers should set reasonable limits for their student's behavior. Plan activities that encourage on-task behavior and continually monitor what students are doing. Teachers also modify instructional strategies when necessary.

Seating arrangement for students and teachers?  

Studies have reported that seating arrangement impact the learning process. Lets survey how far that statement is true. DOES SEATING ARRANGEMENT INFLUENCE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS?
Seating arrangement in classroom is very important for both students and teachers. This is because seating arrangement may be cause for the decline of student performance as attention span, concentration, comprehension and the retaining of information can be influenced by where the student choose to sit. Besides, teachers also need to choose the best area in class to set his/her table as a seating position for them so that they can monitor all
the students and not even one student is left. This is because teachers can keep an eye on their student when teaching and learning process occurs. Therefore, seating arrangement in classroom has to take note.


The term ANDRAGOGY was originally used by Alexander Knapp (a German educator) in the year of 1833 and was developed into a theory of adult educator by the American educator, Malcolm Knowles. Based on what I have learnt is that ANDRAGOGY has been used by some to allow discussion of the difference between self directed education and taught education. There are five main subtopics that we have to look up on how does ANDRAGOGY works as well. Firstly is the learner. Basically in this approach, the learner is self directed and the learner is responsible for his/her own learning as self evaluation is one of the characteristic of this approach. Besides, we also need to take note on the role of the  learner's experiences. The learner brings a greater volume and quality of experience where adults are rich resource for one another. Our experience becomes the source of self-identity because different experiences assure diversity in groups of adults. Moreover, the fact that we need to give attention is that our readiness to learn something. This is because any changes is likely to trigger a readiness to learn. The need to know in order to perform more  effectively in some aspect of one's life is important. Therefore, ability to assess gaps between where one is now and where one wants and needs to be is important. When it comes to ANDRAGOGY, the orientation of learning will be slightly different compare to pedagogy where learners need to perform a task, solve a problem and live in a more satisfying way. Our learning process should be relevant to real-life task and learning is organized around life or work situations rather than subject matter units. Besides, our motivation for learning is self-esteem, recognition, better quality life, self-confidence and self-actualization. 

PEDAGOGY is a simple approach where is all about teacher-centered. Content of PEDAGOGY approach is lesser compared to ANDRAGOGY approach where this approach is easy and more convenient in understanding . The learner is more likely dependent upon the instructor for all learning where the teacher or instructor assumes full responsibility for what is taught and how it is learned. The teacher or instructor evaluates the learner's learning. The role of the learner's experience is that the learner comes to the activity with only little experience that could  be tapped as a resource for learning and the experience of the instructor is most influential. Besides, students are told what they have to learn in order to advance to the next level of mastery which is totally oppose with  ANDRAGOGY. Orientation of learning is that content units are sequenced according to the logic and a process of acquiring prescribed subject matter. PEDAGOGY primarily motivates by external pressures, competition for grades and consequence of failure. 

Lastly, there are difference between ANDRAGOGY and PEDAGOGY. Both the approach has its own importance and benefits as both is useful in daily life for the learners. Learners have to take note on this both approaches as well.