Wednesday 4 November 2015

School Of Thought...


A particular philosophy or way of thinking about something. Its a set of ideas or opinions that a group of people share about a matter.

The Cognitive School Of Thought

It is divided into three categories which are known as information processing, meaningful learning and cognitive approaches to teaching and learning. Information processing is the study of how we mentally take in and store information and then retrieve it when needed. Besides, meaningful learning divided into three parts which are known as reception learning, reciprocal teaching and problem solving. Reception learning is the most general ideas of  a subject should be presented first and then progressively differentiated in terms of details and specificity. Reciprocal teaching is summarizing, question generating, clarifying and predicting. Then it finally come to problem solving where we find out a proper solution as well. Cognitive approaches in teaching is an expository as information is given in a structural and organized process ( top-down ). The student's role in this is passive, consuming and 'breathing in'. The teachers will be the constitutive element in this case.  Besides, Cognitive approaches in learning is a way of learning that is based on abstract mental processes and previous knowledge. Through this approach, we are able to learn a very abstract and subtle things that could not have been learned through conditioning or social learning. Cognitive is studied by focusing on how complex knowledge is obtained, processed and organized.

The Humanistic School Of Thought

The humanistic approach has its roots in phenomenological and existentialist thought. Eastern philosophy and psychology also plays a central role in humanistic teaching. It is an approach in study, philosophy or practice that focuses on human values and concerns. It is a system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans and their values, capacities and worth. There are few elements in this thought which are known as self actualization, esteem, belonging, safety and physiological. It has its own meaning for each of this elements. Self actualization is achieving individual potential. Esteem is self- esteem and esteem from others. Belonging is love affection and being a part of groups. Besides, safety is shelter, removal from danger. Physiological is health,food, sleep and so. Humanistic approach in teaching is helps the students learn  by taking into account their need, values, motives and self-perceptions. Teachers must accept student as as they are and guide students to the correct actions. Humanistic approach in learning is that the students must focus on hidden internal experiences and emphasis the role of feelings must be incorporated into learning experiences. Students must maintain that they need to be empowered and to have control over the learning process so the teachers relinquishes a great deal of authority and becomes a facilitator.

Behavioral School Of Thought

It has developed in part because of perceived weaknesses in the assumption of classical school. The behavioral school focused on trying to understand the factors that affect human behavior at work. This has been divided into few categories which are :

Contiguity Theory

A combination of stimulus which has accompanied a movement will on its recurrence tends to be followed by that movement.

Classical Conditioning

A signal is placed before reflex. It also called as 'respondent conditioning'. It was developed in Russia known as 'Pavlovian'. It works with involuntary behavior. A new, involuntary response is acquired as a result of two stimuli being presented at the same time.

Operant  Conditioning

A reinforcing or punishing stimulus is given after behavior. It was developed in U.S. It also known as 'skinnerian' and called as 'instrumental conditioning'. It works as voluntary behavior. It means is a form of learning in which response increases in frequency as a result of being followed by reinforcement or punishment.

Social Learning

Is as old as the existence of organization. It happens at training conference, business launches, company events, team building and etc.

Behavioral Approaches In Teaching

Teachers should encourage students to do their best work and to encourage improvement. Teachers also must let the students know what they can do it and can do it well. This approaches can be useful in teaching.

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