Wednesday 25 November 2015

The Constructivism..!

Based on what I have learned is that the theory of CONSTRUCTIVISM is an approach to learning suggesting that children must construct their own understandings of the world in which they live. In comparison to behaviorism, the learner is not blank state but instead brings past experiences and cultural factors to a situation and new information is constructed from prior knowledge. Besides, Its a learning theory of educational philosophy that many educators began to consider in the 1990's. Students are require to use their prior knowledge and experiences to formulate new, related and or adaptive concepts in learning. Teachers act as a facilitator in providing guidelines for students whereas learners construct their own knowledge. The purpose of CONSTRUCTIVISM is to enable students to acquire information readily understood and usable.
-Based on background knowledge, connect to new knowledge
-Student centered
-students learn how to learn

-Teacher centered
-Skills in isolation



  • Expand opportunities to learn new things
  • Enhance creative and intellectual development with flexibility
  • Engage in personally meaningful projects
  • Participate in collaboration, communication and publishing
  • Empower students to succeed in the 21st century


  • Teacher-directed and teacher dominated
  • Teaching of skill where students gain 'how' rather then 'what' and each step must be mastered
  • Form of learning through imitation
  • The level of performance can be assess from the number of steps performed correctly

There are two types of theory in direct instruction which are known as MASTERY TEACHING and DIRECT INSTRUCTION SYSTEM FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING. Mastery teaching is knowing about everything as the name itself is mastering. This helps students getting to learn about input and modelling. Its about checking understanding and guided practice as well. There are few philosophers involves in this theory which are known as John Piaget, John Dewey, Maria Montesorry and Lev Vygotsky. For example :

Furthermore, direct instruction system for teaching and learning is also known as DISTAR which is for slow learners of special need students. Basically, we need to find out what student need to know and teach them based on learning theory. Concept of DISTAR is every child is not left behind, catch up all the students equally and all the teachers are able to use this concept for special students.

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